Backups, Backups, Backups!

How well protected are your e-mails? If you have e-mail backups, how complete and easily accessible are they?

At PolarisMail we take backups very seriously. So seriously, that packed with every account you get two different kinds of backups, free of charge!


E-mail Backups in Archive Manager

First of all, you have the Archive Manager, integral part of each user’s Control Panel, which lets you browse up to 30 days of previous snapshots of your entire Mailbox. Every folder, every message, the way you stored it. This interface makes it easy to restore e-mails in case you need them.


E-mail Backup in Gateway Archive Manager

The second kind of backup is the Gateway Archive Manager. Every message you receive is stored by us, before being delivered to your Inbox – this includes Spam too!.

Sometimes it’s possible for a message to get deleted before you have a chance to place it in a folder, or you may simply misplace it. For these situations, use the Gateway Archive Manager to browse your incoming mail history, day by day, for the past 30 days.

To take advantage of our e-mail Backup & Archiving solutions and many of our e-mail hosting features sign up for a 30 days free trial for our e-mail services.

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